What is it?

Ophtalax is an effective remedy designed to restore vision. The product release form is capsules, in 1 package there are 10 of them. The drug replaces antibiotics, hormonal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vasoconstrictor drops. The formula of the drug was compiled by ophthalmologists. Therefore, taking Ophtalax is guaranteed to restore vision without the development of side effects.

How it works?

  • The active substances of the product stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria and viruses that cause inflammation of the eye membranes.
  • Ophtalax strengthens the retina and prevents its detachment.
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins, which contributes to a better functioning of the visual center located in the brain.
  • Stop the burning sensation and pain in the eyes.
  • Clears vision and prevents recurrence.
  • The action of this drug is aimed at eliminating already existing and preventing highly probable ophthalmic disorders.
Ophtalax Official website
Attention!Only today 22.10.24
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How to use?

Take the drug.
For 1 dose, you must use 2 capsules of Ophtalax at once. The drug should be taken with food. It is not allowed to take the drug on an empty stomach.
Drink capsules.
After using Ophtalax, you should immediately drink at least 200 ml of purified non-carbonated water.
Perform the above steps after 24 hours.
The drug is intended to be taken once a day. It is advisable to take the capsules at the same time.


Zinc - Ophtalax Composition


Normalizes the conduction of impulses along the fibers that run from the pupils to the visual center. Therefore, vision is restored quite quickly. Improves the process of eye adaptation to lighting. Removes redness of the sclera. Helps to quickly get rid of the feeling of tension in the eyes.
Vitamin complex - Ophtalax Composition

Vitamin complex

Allows you to better get used to the transition from dark to lighter lighting, and vice versa. Regenerates minor damage to the eye membranes. It clarifies vision, allows you to more simply and efficiently focus attention on objects, regardless of their degree of remoteness. Normalizes blood circulation in the internal eye sections.
Herbal antiseptics - Ophtalax Composition

Herbal antiseptics

Remove inflammatory processes that impede full vision. They inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pathogenic microflora. Maintain normal intraocular pressure.


Payment - Cash on Delivery
Delivery Country - United Kingdom
Delivery - 5-7 days
Availability - Yes


  • Vision deterioration due to stress, traumatic brain injury, hormonal failure, intoxication of the body.
  • Age over 45.
  • Double vision, difficulty concentrating on objects.
  • Regular work on the computer.
  • The desire to improve vision without the use of pharmaceutical products - by taking a natural remedy.
  • Desire to be treated at home rather than in a hospital.
  • Presence of contraindications for surgical and microsurgical vision correction.


  • Intolerance to capsule components.
  • The period of pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Early period of postoperative rehabilitation.
  • Heart, kidney, liver failure.
  • The presence of oncological, autoimmune diseases in the body.
  • Immunodeficiency condition.
  • Under 18 years of age

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to use?
It is absolutely safe to use this dietary supplement if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and carefully study the contraindications
How long does delivery take?
Average delivery time from 3 to 8 days depending on where you live
Can Ophtalax be bought at a pharmacy?
No, our dietary supplements are sold only on this site. If you saw it in a store or pharmacy - do not buy it, as it is a fake
Are there side effects?
There were no other side effects other than those we have described.

Customer Reviews

“The products really do not cause complications and help to fully restore vision. I have been taking Ophtalax capsules for 4 weeks. I did not have any difficulties with the calculation of the required dosage of the remedy - there is an instruction in the box, where everything is described in detail - how to take the remedy correctly. Now, after a month of therapy, I see perfectly. Sometimes it seems to me that even better than when I was young. I consider myself lucky to have found out about this remedy.”
“I work on the computer every day, my vision has gradually decreased. I went to the doctor, he prescribed this remedy. He said that now it is impossible to find better Ophtalax - they are natural, so the treatment will pass without complications. After 7 days of treatment, I noticed - there is no double vision, I clearly see everything that is at a distance of several tens of meters from me. Within a month of treatment, vision was completely restored. Not in vain listened to competent advice.
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